Friday, June 3, 2011

Every Day- A Pearl in the Making

The 5 Minute Friday- a delicious morsel of words...

I love the consistency of those two words together.  Like pearls strung on a rope.  If I do not get it (put your own word in there- "get it- done, right") then I have the promise of the pearl of tomorrow.

Every day I will look for God's gracious hand painting strokes of His mural- the story of our lives.

Every day I search for Beauty whereby my heart can be lifted and I can give thanks to its Creator.

Every day I always have a "to do" list but I much rather work on the looking and searching.

Every day I am being formed into a pearl for His glory.

So are you-
So if you feel pressed, stroked, accosted, rubbed the wrong way- it is for your good and His glory.

Every Day.


Visit here to meet other Pearls.


Jennifer Camp said...

I am so encouraged by your beautiful reminders from Him that all in this life can be used for His good, that, if we surrender, He can shape us into something beautiful -- that beauty that He already perceives. Thank you!

Mary Jo said...

Hi Nicol -

I love this! Yes! We are similar in our posts today.

I live in Charleston, SC. :) Beach all around me. Where are you?

Nicol said...

Thank you for your gracious comments! I am here in central PA among the Allegheny mountains; but I would much rather be at the beach!

Unknown said...

Lovely, the imagery of pearls, promised pearls, is wonderful! I'm glad to have stopped by your sweet blog.

Me said...

God is shaping even me! Thanks Nicol I needed to hear that today.

Christine said...

Every day the hand of God is molding us, and guiding us in our busy lives, I sometimes forget that.