Friday, November 11, 2011


Putting mumbled thoughts and words together onto the screen for five minutes today.The prompt from The Gypsy Mama is UNEXPECTED.


Eight days ago a group of men were living at the climax of their careers.   Their lives full of the abundant fruit of their labors through the years.

Then the UNEXPECTED happened.  Some brave soul spoke up.  They spoke up for the tragedy that had occurred a few years before.  A tragedy, that was so unexpected to them, could not be held back any longer.  The silence is always broken by the sound of truth.

Now eight days after the fallout in the media three men are facing criminal charges.  Two others, whose reputation for their culmination of dedicated work, were tossed aside like yesterday's old newspaper.

Truth always prevails- sooner or later.  And what is expected becomes unexpected.

"Open your mouth, judge righteously,
And defend the rights of the afflicted and needy."
-Proverbs 31:9


I have a vested interest in PennState University (I am a student there as well as my sister.)  The shame I felt for the Univ. concerning the actions of this group of men was restored to pride in hearing the decision of the Univ. Board to displace its President. It is good to defend the needy and speak out against the injustice of the afflicted.

Prayers go for the victims and their families.


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