So today, the 6th day of January of this new year in 2012, the prompt is ROAR.
THAT wakes me up a little!
I cannot help but connect "ROAR" to thoughts that I have been having all week of the New Year. My thoughts have been about pondering, praying, and planning. But when I put "ROAR" in the same thought of the New Year...I cannot help but feel the whole resounding impact of
A lion roars when he wants to be heard, right? And being very direct about it. This New Year has engulfed us six days in, and I am wondering what it will roar to me and what I will roar back.
The stresses of life roar at me constantly and I sometimes roar back as loud as I can. Sometimes that helps and sometimes not- my throat just gets soar. Sometimes instead of roaring I cower.
I do not feel like roaring at the moment. But there are times when it is necessary isn't it?
The Holy Spirit whispers to us in a gentle quiet voice. If I ignore Him, He beckons me still. That soft voice a can become a soft, yet clear roar in my soul. What will HE SPEAK to me this year? Words of love, words of encouragement, words of correction and direction. I will listen and with clear voice roar what I have to share.
Have you roared lately?
Image courtesy of blingcheese.
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