Friday, January 20, 2012

Poem for Bonnie

I wanted to write about an experience that I had the other day.  Today's writing prompt from the Gypsy Mama is VIVID.  We have a world around us that lives with us simultaneously.  What is vivid to me?  just my own sphere?

To Bonnie
I see you there
Drawing comfort from a chair
your thoughts seem far
as you sigh with care.

I ask if you are
soaking in some comfort
from a work break,
a needed pause,
you opted to take.

You need it you say,
after yesterday,
two girls left you hanging
in the middle of the work day.

As you rise from there,
to return to the bar
I see you bent over
with the heaviness of care.

"Are you alright," I ask
Hoping not to see a mask.
I have "MS," you reply.
"that is aggravated by stress," you sigh.

"For ten years it was in remission,
But in December returned this condition.
Died my husband, my sister, my brother, and my dog."
Her life a dark fog.

Her body could not take the weight
of such a fate.

"Oh, dear," I reply
taking in all that she suffers
"I will pray for you"
hoping that my small words give her comfort.

She returns to the barista
to fix lattes with gusto
and I realize that in December
I had ordered soup or coffee
when world was turned asunder.

Yet not on her face
was despair or heartache.
She had handed me a mocha
fully aware of her place.
But, oh, how those days
her insides must have quaked.

I walk my way
saying heartfelt prayers for her that day
That she might come to know
His grace,
that so sweetly He does place,
comfort in the heart
of all that is hard.

I affirm that day
To take notice of place
for who else is in my path
is suffering from heartache
that I take no notice of
because I order my latte in haste.

So important it is
to share a word of routine
"Hello, how are you?"
Does not sound pristine
But it can be just those words
said with eyes that hear
That opens the doorway
to give comfort and cheer.

All His grace,

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