Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Giving Blessings

What a perfect time of year to bestow blessings!!!!

It is grand to GIVE and it is GREAT to receive!!! (Come on- I know that you like a gift as much as I do!)

I am pleased and excited to announce that Ladies Of Virtue has been awarded a new blog award from Rebecca over at Rebecca's Hearth and Home. Thank you, Rebecca! What a sweet surprise! And what a blessing! Thank you!

This is LOV's second award.  The definition of "award" is to "bestow merit".  The two blogging awards given to LOV is an acknowledgement from one blogger to another that they value and bestow honor to my blog and writing. I, in return, have the honor of bestowing these awards to fellow bloggers that I value.  For that I am so very thankful Rebecca!

In another way, it is for us to connect with other great blogs and the women who are writing behind the screen.   In my acknowledgement of receiving it, I have to list seven random things about myself.  So let's see what comes first to my mind.

1. I absolutely love to get a Chinese massage.  There are few luxuries that compare, except-
2. very hot baths to soak in!
3. very strong coffee with enough cream to color it caramel (with sugar too, of course)
4. and milk chocolate, white chocolate, dark chocolate, and any other kind of chocolate!
4. I love indulging!
5. I lived in Venezuela for a year.
6. I sleep with socks on almost year round.
7. I love to snuggle in flannel sheets and cotton comforters.
8. "Last of the Mohicans" is my all-time favorite movie.
9. I am currently in college studying to get a degree in English, History, and Women's Studies
Oh!  that is nine- I was on a roll! LOL

"Versatile" means able, accomplished, adaptable resourceful, skilled, flexible, gifted, ingenuous".  So with that in mind, with the intention of warm blessings, I give the Versatile Award to~
(and I am shortening the list to five for time's sake):

~ Wanda from Watered Soul
~  Natalie from Mommy On Fire
~ Jes from Heroines of the Faith
~ Kasey from These Five of Mine Plus Two
~ Stefanie from Uplifting Words

Please visit these ladies and, while you're there, please, be sure and leave them a comment, or as Shelby calls it, some blog sugar (isn't that precious?). And, Rebecca, thanks again so much! To quote you, "This was a super fun meme!"

If you have received the award please-
Thank the award-giver and link back to them in your post.
  • Share 7 random things about yourself.
  • Nominate  a group of fellow bloggers and let them know about it.


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♥ my diary♥ said...

nice post...thanks for sharing...happy holidays...blessings soraya

Wanda said...

Congratulations Nicol and thank you for extending the honor to me. What a pleasant surprise. Hope you enjoy a Merry Christmas!

Angela said...

Congratulations on the award! And, I don't think I ever knew about Venezuela. Would love to hear that story sometime. :)

JES said...

Thank you for the kind award! I love strong coffee as well and use heavy cream to color it to carmel along with honey. Mmm… I guess I like to indulge too :)