Tuesday, November 22, 2011

His Presence

I ponder this week about "Thanks" and "Thanksgiving".  What am I thankful for?  Family, friends, health, so many bountiful blessings.  But as I consider the things that I am thankful for I remember the Giver.  He is so good; all that is good.

"God's quest to be glorified
and our quest to be satisfied reach their goal in this one experience:
our delight in God which overflows in praise."  -John Piper

I love getting lost in God's presence......"Your grace has found me just as I am, empty handed but alive in Your hands.  Forever I am changes by Your love in the presence of Your majesty."

All of the problems, annoyances, stresses, and worries all melt away in His presence.  Take a moment today and listen to the song  below and get lost in His glorious Majesty.

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1 comment:

Crystal Mendez said...

Im so thankful for posts like this awesome reminders