Friday, September 2, 2011

REST for Body, Mind, and Spirit

Today's prompt for 5 Minute Friday is REST.

AAAHHH.  Who feels that they get too much rest?  Is not rest something we Mothers long for more of?

I am reminded that God gives us a rest that takes us through all of life's busyness, routines, to-do lists, stress, and schedules.  It is called the Sabbath and He has told us to keep it holy.  How amazing of our Creator to command that we take one day in seven to cease from our labors and rest.  To be refreshed and rejuvenated by focusing all of our waking hours that day on Him and family and friends.  He understands our human weaknesses.

But there is another rest He speaks of and implores me to enter.  If you read Hebrews chapter 4 you will hear the beckoning of Him to cease from our human strivings- to bring to a complete halt our vain attempts to reach God's favor by our imagined human goodness.  He says, "Come as you are hidden in my Son and have complete rest."  This rest takes my soul and makes it happily swing in a hammock.

We need this physical and spiritual rest, because in this life we still face hardships.  Whethter it is the stress of unemployment, the sleepless night from nursing babes, the heartache of hearing your child get teased at recess, or improsonment because of your faith in the Christ who is so despised in your country, you WILL face tribulation.  But His rest sustains us.

Our souls long for the day when that rest will be made perfect.  He gives us that HOPE as well.  Tiresomeness from dealing with this fallen world, weariness from fighting the enemy from without and within, experiencing the slow decay of our bodies- there is a complete rest that awaits us dear believer.  Let you soul be filled with hopeful expectation today as you encounter this life's hardships.Photobucket

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1 comment:

Melissa said...

"We need this physical and spiritual, because in this life we face hardships"

Yep so true. And sometimes we fight so hard to not need rest. Love that God invites us to rest.

Great post.