Monday, November 8, 2010

Lessons for Life

In lessons with my girls (I use the word "lessons" instead of home-schooling) I have them memorizing verses. I choose the verses that form the foundations of our faith or character issues that we need to work on. Considering the attitudes that have been visiting our home when correction is taking place, I chose this verse for this week.

"My son (daughter) despise not the chastening of the Lord;
neither be weary of His correction:
For whom the Lord loveth He correcteth;
even as a father a son in whom he delighteth."
-Proverbs 3:11-12 KJ

"That's so good!", I thought. My children need to understand that I correct them because I love them. I am not "being mean"; I have their best interest at heart- their characters. Immediately I felt the Holy Spirit whisper, "And you need to know that too."

Oh! How I enjoy thinking that I am beyond needing correction! That I am already spiritually mature. How arrogant. My eyes are not focused on my Most Holy God when I have such-self righteous thoughts. But gently, as a Father with his daughter that he delights in, chastens and corrects me. He points me to the right persective.

I revel in the truth that He delights in me!

Yet again as I teach my children I myself am being taught.

Is there something that you are in the place of being the teacher and the student right now? Share it with me....

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