Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Twirling Mama

It has been so long since I have written that I had to go through the gammit of retrieving my old password (well, actually I did not even remember which e-mail I had used to log in!) So here I am, beginning a busy day, unusually taking a moment to journal... I am getting somewhat annoyed hearing myself say that, "I am busy." Though it be ever so true now more than ever as we are renovating a 5 bedroom home to move into, I do not like to innumerate my daily resposibilities and bore the audience to death....especially when you all have your own full schedules.

What I am mindful of today is that, "There is a time for everything under heaven." Right now is simply a time full of activity for myself and my family. Some day soon I am promised that the time to live simply will come...

So, too, is there a time for fun and recreation. Interesting word- recreation. A time to recreate. One way that I have found to recreate my creativity (is that redundant?) and refresh is to take an adult ballet class. Now, before you fall off your chair as my teenage sons did when they visualized Mom twirling awkardly onto the stage donning a pink tutu....let me explain that we will NOT be performing in any recital! In the class we are learning ballet basics along with some Pilates exercises and stretching. I simply love it. And though I cannot turn (twist) out my legs like the 15 year-experienced teacher I at times do feel graceful. Though as we were leaping with our sashes (sp? how do you put an accent over a syllable with the keyboard?) I felt very much like a human frog. Nonetheless I was rejuvenated when class completed.

What are you doing for recreation?

1 comment:

MrsRitchey said...

Awe, ballet sounds like fun! I have toyed with the idea of taking figure skating classes. But right plate is entirely too full, and I need to focus on trying to be at home whenever possible! We got a new'll meet her tonight. I think you'll like her!
