Thursday, March 20, 2008

Fit for LIFE

WELCOME! The "Ladies Of Virtue" Journal is a place where women who share like-minds in Christ can find friendship and encouragement. Please share your sentiments. We look forward o meeting you! Remember to categorize your post.

If you are using the "Fit for LIFE" bible devotional for weight-loss (posted at Ladies this is a safe place to share your successes and struggles. How we need encouragement in losing those extra pounds! How I need that support. Please come visit us weekly (even daily). There is power in group support and prayer. (Matthew 18:19, Ecclesiastes 4:12)

May you (and I) abound in love for Jesus more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, may we approve what is excellent, and be pure and blameless for the day fo Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the praise and glory of God. Have a great day!

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