As a Gabby Mom I had the opportunity to preview the Eternal Encouragement Magazine delivered to my home mailbox. Did I also say that I love when the mailbox has something delivered to me that I actually want? Smaller in size than a regular magazine, it is jammed packed with helpful articles written by women that I would love to have in my kitchen for tea.
Each quarter the magazine has a theme and this one was CHAOS. Yes, a menace that we all fight in our lives and homes. Its subject was discussed concerning spiritual life, marriage, parenting, homeschooling, house management, and relationships. You name an area of interest to a woman and it is in there! One of the columns that I enjoyed most was "Daughter of the King" defining and describing the sweet relationship with our heavenly Father. I am humbled and excited to be featured as the column's author beginning the next publication.
I encourage YOU to subscribe to encouragement with eternal benefits! Did I tell you that there are bonus gifts? To find out about all of it, click on the magazine cover above. Hope you enjoy as I have!
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the magazine for my honest review and I will receive no other compensation either for my review or for any subscriptions as a result of my review.