I love to receive gifts don't you? When Brooke McGothlin offered a copy of her new ebook as a thank-you for a reviewing it, I jumped, "sure!". I was blessed.And I am happy today to give away a copy to.....well, you will have to keep reading till the end of this post!
This give-away idea is really fun. I should like to offer it more often. I love to receive but I also love to give.
This attitude of course reminds me of our heavenly Father who lavishes on His children. No good thing will He withhold from us! (Psalm 84:11)
I do not think it wrong to ask to be blessed so that I might be a blessing.
Now I do not want to get into a theological discourse about how we should have pure motives when asking and that stated above is not one of them. And how we should give out of what we already have not waiting to receive more. And how we already are blessed with every spiritual blessing. Though there is merit in those thoughts, they diverge from the simple truth that I want to convey to you today which makes it difficult sometimes to blog. Trying to share something theological and from the heart can have too many nuances of meaning to disclose in a short blog post.
I am saying that I pray that I may be blessed so that I can bless in return.
"Oh Lord bless me indeed!"
Jabez felt the same way. See 1Chronicles 4:9-10. This man caused his mother so much grief as she bore him into this world that she signified her sorrow with his very name- Jabez. From the outset of his life he was one who caused pain instead of blessing carrying in his name a notification that he was a pain.
Scripture says that Jabez was more homorable than his brethren. I think that the Lord gave him a new brand because of the contriteness of his heart. He cried out to the Lord, "Oh that You would bless me indeed...that You would keep me from harm that it may not pain me!"
Jabez knew that his own sinful ways cause him pain. Are not we the same? I cannot count how many times my own mouth has caused me grief. My actions that reaped sorrow.
Jabez also knew that when the Lord's hand was upon him he would be blessed and he would be a BLESSING.
I started this post talking of giving away a material possession. Yes, that is good. But there are other blessings that are too numerous to count. How are YOU blessed today?
Do you have peace in your heart? Assuage someone who is troubled.
Do you have joy? Go rub that off onto someone and make their day lighter.
Do you have love overflowing? Love the unlovable.
BE a blessing.
Pray to be blessed. Your prayer will probably be answered in part by giving you a revelation of the wealth already yours because of His goodness. When we know that we are blessed our focus is not towards ourselves in self pity but on others. We search out how we might BE a Blessing.
Now my turn....and the winner is of "Aspiring Writers" is-------
Now my turn....and the winner is of "Aspiring Writers" is-------
Angela Dively from

Congratualtions Angela!
Linking to time-warp-wife at