Today's prompt with The Gypsy Mama is CATCH-
I sit here with my fingers placed on the keys ready to type- fast. Ususally in these 5-minute prompt writings my thoughts are flowing so free that they threaten to topple nonsensical onto the screen as I anxiously race that five minute clock.
Today I just....hmm? "What is the first thing that comes to mind when I hear 'catch'?" Well, there was that baseball I wish that I had caught before my little blonde haired boy tossed it through our living room window.
There are the colds of the season that I do NOT want to catch....and the flus.
What do I want to catch this morning?
Fire- I want to catch that fire when I see His other disciples blazing hot with zeal for His kingdom.
I want to catch that love I see in others with light in their eyes as they speak of His workings in their life.
I want to catch dreams that make me aspire towards the clouds.
I want to catch every good thing that the Father has for me. The list is too long to fill in a blog post but I will name these: GRACE and JOY and PEACE and CONTENTMENT and A LIFE WITH OUT "SHOULD DO'S and SHOULD HAVE DONE'S" and SECURITY and PURPOSE.... and my time has run out.
THOSE things I want to catch and never let go of.
Joining today with