Words. They speak to us every which way we look. Shouting announcements of horror, tales of despair, messages of hope and joy. I choose to read the messages of hope and joy.
I love words and their power to transform our minds. That is the reason that I strategically place words in my home- for myself, my family, and visitors. -messages of life and joy. Being a visual person I prefer the words to be placed in a pretty format. When Dayspring offered the attendees at The Relevant conference three of their items if we would only write about them on our blogs, I chose those below.
I am so excited for the month of December; I am poised at the starting lane ready to take off towards the Christmas season as soon as the heralding fire of the day after Thanksgiving blasts! The linens read "Jesus is the gift". How fitting is that? In my kitchen is a shelf on which four baskets sit. Every season I change the tea towels that are covering (the "stuff" in them) with appropriate colored ones. These pretty tea towels and oven mitts will decorate my kitchen perfectly for the Christmas season. My daughter has been writing the scriptures that we are memorizing on the ceramic message board. I love the vintage look and neutral color of it; it will be a permanent fixture in our kitchen.
Dayspring is like-minded in my view of words. They have many more beautiful products with that same intention of bringing beauty and words of joy to you and your home. Visit their store and see for yourself. Dayspring.com