The sun is just beginning to down behind the mountain. I am sitting in my livingroom. From where I sit on my couch I can see the magnolia tree in our back yard bursting with huge light and dark pink blossoms. From the opposite window lime green buds are spattered on the tree branches. Spring has sprung at last!
Amidst the joyful, hopeful, welcoming signs of the season, plans and activities flourish in my mind as well. Busy, busy, busy. My husband has been talking to me about four (yes, you read that right) four large business ventures he is pursuing which beckon him to travel twice out of state in May. He just returned from a trip to Texas where he drove over 3,000 miles in eight days. One of the trips in May would offer he and I nice time away for a few days. I am looking forward to that. Hilton Head, South Carolina. It is supposed to be just beautiful.
Besides the business activity, (My part in that is to be the wise wife who plays a sound-board to my husband's creative mind.) there is the end of the schooling year. As a homeschooling Mom I am getting the children's portfolios ready for their evaluation. If any of you reside in PA you know what a large chore this can be! But apart from wrapping up THIS year's lessons, I have to think and plan for NEXT year as well. Our co-op has begun to schedule next year's classes, we are having a used book sale next week so I need to go through my coopey-hole full of boxes of books and see what I will need for next year and what I can get rid of, then I am happily attending our state's homeschool convention next month as well.
This weekend is a BIG weekend. I am taking my daughter on our Mother-and-daughter trip to be the first of many. Our time out of town is for the purpose of talking about the coming of age issues. Did any of your mothers let you know about the birds and bees or did you find out another way? I DO remember a book that my mother handed me. My girlfriends in turn devoured each page of that book giggling the entire time. But mostly my girlfriends and I educated ourselves about puberty and s-x. Oh, yes, how can I forget the film in 5th grade? How embarrassing. Yes, that is ONE reason we home educate our children. I want to be the one who educates my daughter about life, love, and s-x, not an ungodly, immoral government worker. I have only briefly mentioned to my daughter the true intent of our special time together. We will also be attending a professional ballet production of Cinderella. So the trip is bound to have many wonderful memories. Have you and your daughter spent a "Purity Weekend" together? I would love to hear about it.
So...where was I? Oh, babbling I think, of all of the activity....maybe I just needed to write some of these things down to bring clarity to my mind....for I do feel better! Please do not think that I am posting to the world about how busy I AM...what a bore. I do not want to do that. Rather, I am just thinking aloud...."How do other women do all they need to do?" I just mentioned some of the bigger things I am involved in right now....but there are hundreds of little things (like cleaning up after the two new parakeets I got! baking chocolate chip cookies, folding clothes) that I do every day....and other big things, like planning the Maidens Of Virtue club I am hosting this summer for young ladies.... perhaps that is why I am always voicing to myself and others about resting, meditating, simplifying, prioritizing.... We have just one chance to go through this life. The sign in my bathroom reminds me of this, "Life is not a dresss rehearsal. Live like it!"
So as I am blogging...I am exhorting myself to pray about everything, trust in Him and He will guide my steps and bring it to pass. We just read this tonight after supper- Proverbs 3:5-6. I have time to do what He wants of me....and doing so with peace and joy I can sing, "There is a joy in the journey!"