Day 34 of "The Love Dare"- As you can see my calendar is WAY different from the norm. Instead of reading and applying the book daily with its end at Day 40, I take about a week. When did I begin this venture? February! Wow! Well, let us just sat that I am making Love last! (:
"Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth." -1Cor.13:6
I am reminded that I am one of the most influential people in my husband's life. How have I been using that influence? That is sobering. I can be provoking my husband to godliness or the flesh.
Presently, my husband is without work. He has been for quite awhile, but it has just been these last few weeks that worry has been trying to usurp both of our peaceful mindsets. Reading this entry this morning, I am exhorted to consciously NOT voice worries which would only barrage him with more attacks. I will choose to focus on his growth in godliness and rejoice with him in that.
The word "rejoices" in the 1Cor. scripture above means to be absolutely thrilled and expressively showing it. Tonight when we are on our "date" I will share my enthusiasm about is gathering our family to have church in our home recently. I am thankful for his thoughtfulness in preparation for this time and his taking responsibility in his leadership of the home.
Yes, I am consciously choosing to lift up my husband today toward godliness, not voicing innuendos about our savings, bills, future!, etc.
The Lord's ways are not ours. I tend to think that if I just "let him know" how things are or what I am thinking then THAT will be a motivator to him. NOT! From relational experience I have learned that my "subtle" remarks would just tear him down. So I shall with the Lord's help be an encouragement today. And is it not true that if we "seek first the kingdom of God all these things shall be added unto us"?
Thank you Father.
Is there an issue that you are wanting to consistently bring up to your husband, but in your heart you know that you needn't and shouldn't? Maybe take a different approach, like focusing on his godly growth and rejoicing in it?